
Between 28 March and 1 April, ECO-ARAL conducted ecotourism training program in Nukus with a field trip to the remote areas of the dried seabed of the Aral Sea. 23 participants of tourism sector from the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took part at the five-day workshop. The aim of the training program has been bringing together various tourism stakeholders – staff of nature parks and protected areas, tour operators, guides, trainers and academics. The group has been joined by participants from Mangystau Region in Kazakhstan, which spreads over the western end of the Ustyurt Plateau.

During the five-days training program the participants not only shared their understanding of ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of the local people”, but also developed together tourist products for different target groups on the bases of their experiences. By exploring natural attractions between the Ustyurt Plateau at the Western edge of the Aral Sea, and the Barsa-Kelmes Salt Lake, the participants got a clearer picture about the potential and challenges for developing eco- and nature tourism products there.

Supported by tourism experts of German based Mascontour consultancy, in the upcoming months GIZ will develop an Eco Tourism Road Map as well as conduct further training programs in the Aral Sea region.

Photo: ©ECO-ARAL