Visit in Thailand


On April 20, 2022, a delegation of 14 participants from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan along with two experts of ECO-ARAL arrived in Bangkok, Thailand. The purpose of the study visit is to exchange of successful experience on aquaculture and artemia cultivation in Thailand. The delegation of Uzbekistan is led by Kamalov Alibek, Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and joined by the specialists of the ministry and other experts in the field of agriculture and aquaculture in the Aral Sea region. Professor Patric Sorgeloos, Gent University in Belgum, is facilitating the study visit that will continue for seven days.  

Following the arrival, on April 21, 2022, the delegation participants held a meeting to brief the study visit. Then they set off to visit the department of fishery and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pasific (NACA) in Bangkok. As well as these, while the study visit, the delegation will conduct field trips to aquaculture and artemia farms in South of Bangkok at Phetcha Buri Aquaculture Genetic Research, Development Center of Tilapia hatchery, Tanan Artemia Farming and the Royal Sea farm Project on Integrated-Zero waste farm in Ban Laem District of Phetchaburi province of Thailand.

The delegation will also visit Chachaeng Sao Coastal Aquaculture Research and Development Center of Artemia culture and Shrimp hatchery in Bang Pakong District, Ban Chong Farm of Artemia Biomass Culture and Look Kung Sathi Farm on Macrobrachium Hatchery-all male seed in Bann Po District of Chachjengsao province of Thailand. On the final day of the study visit the participants will hole a meeting to exchange knowledge on sustainable production of rice with experts in Thailand and discuss the results of the study visit and the ways of adopting the successful experience on aquaculture and artemia cultivation that was studied during the visit in the Aral Sea region.