
ECO-ARAL и Ассоциация "Женщины аграрной сферы" Узбекистана продолжает серию семинаров по улучшению потенциала женщин в регионе Приаралья путём вовлечения их в сельскохозяйственное предпринимательство. На этот раз он состоялся 28-29-30 июля в Бузатауском районе.

And the main objective of these seminars is to increase women’s skills in using saline lands effectively, proper placement of vegetable crops, increasing fertility, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, protection from pests and diseases of crops on homestead plots and the use of chemical and biological methods of protection for the plants.

From the beginning of the workshop, the participants were active and asked the trainers questions about the problems they face in their daily activities of planting and caring and were able to get answers containing the use of new methods for growing vegetables, fruits, flowers in a sustainable way.

In today’s world, there is no professional field where women are not involved. And so, strengthening gender equality in agriculture is one of the important objectives of ECO-ARAL in the Aral Sea region. By supporting a series of workshops in partnership with the Association of Women in Agriculture of Uzbekistan, ECO-ARAL aims to increase knowledge and information of women in the agricultural sector on how to generate income by developing their business without harming the environment.