August 23, 2022, Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan | The regional project of GIZ Ecologically oriented Regional Development in the Aral Sea (ECO-ARAL) in cooperation with Association “Women of the Agricultural Sector” of Uzbekistan held a conference entitled “Capacity building of women in the Aral Sea region in increasing the efficiency of saline lands and improving the environmental situation in the region through the use of innovative composting” at the premises of the International Innovation Centre for the Aral Sea Basin (IICAS). 63 participants, 45% of whom females from IICAS, Water Resource Meliorative Expedition of the Ministry of Water Resource of Uzbekistan, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of Karakalpakstan, representatives of women’s NGOs, Ellikqala botanical garden, Agro-technology Institute of Karakalpakstan, International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) and the representatives of the administration of Nukus district of Karakalpakstan. The main issues of the discussion at the conference dedicated on the results of the series of seminars held in Karakalpakstan for women on agro-business, production of compost from waste in an innovative way, their capacity building in farming and animal husbandry.

Along with other conference speakers, Adiba Akhmadjanova, Chairperson of Association “Women of the Agricultural Sector” of Uzbekistan gave a welcoming speech at the conference. “The purpose of organizing the conference, that we are holding thanks to the contribution of the regional project of GIZ ECO-ARAL, is to highlight our activities we conducted so far in Karakalpakstan that contributes to improving the environment in the Aral Sea region by involving women in ecologically oriented agro-business. We conducted series of training programmes for women in the region with the aim of increasing the efficiency of homestead lands through the efficient use of waste for production of compost. As well as this, our aim is to increase the responsibility of people, especially women, in the Aral Sea region to protect the environment, at the same time to generate an income by involving them in agro-business that does not harm the environment”, she said. “We are here to inform all the partners on the main aim of our efforts to train the women in agro-business on preparing natural composting in an innovative way. All our efforts are for improving the livelihoods of women and the environmental situation in the Aral Sea region”, she expressed at the end of her speech.

During the conference the participants were able to experience first-hand preparation of innovative compost. New irrigation techniques were also showcased at the facilities of IICAS.