Since the beginning of this year, a video about saxaul planting on the dried seabed of the Aral Sea is being filmed, the initial filming was conducted in Almaty and Almaty province, where interviews were filmed with specialists of several organizations involved in the digital map of forest plantations, determining the quality of planting material, seed collection and storage. On February 15, a film crew went to the Aral Sea where, accompanied by the director of the Kamystybas forest nursery and the head of the operational headquarters, and filmed the mechanized planting of seeds directly on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea. The scale of planting is impressive, hundreds of thousands of hectares are under development.
You will see the details in our video shortly. The work on the video is being done at the initiative of the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the MEGNR RK with the support of the ECO-ARAL project.