February 14-18, 2022, Tashkent. ECO-ARAL project conducted a 5-day training on Earth Observation (EO) and Geoinformation systems (GIS) with participation of 20 experts from Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan and Kazakhstan. The training is designed to build up the capacity of planning officers from territorial administrations, national line ministries and the private sector in using Earth observation-based spatial planning tools and methods.
The training module1 covered basics of EO/ GIS and targeted the following topics:
- Introduction to QGIS for regional planning
- Geospatial datasets and data management
- Coordination of reference systems and projections
- Working with vector data, attribute tables and raster datasets
- Georeferencing and digitizing data
- Cartography: map generation and techniques
The upcoming Module 2 focuses on advanced EO and GIS applications. The most successful participants from both modules will qualify for a study tour to Germany.
The training program is conducted in cooperation with the Reiner Lemoine Institute and the American University of Central Asia.