

On February 11, a workshop on “Reforestation works on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea. Results and perspectives 2021 – 2022” was held in Burabay settlement.
Forestry experts and scientists from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives from international organizations took part in the workshop to get familiar with the results of reforestation activities (Saxaul planting – seeding) on the dried seabed of the Aral Sea (DSAS) in 2021, as well as with the plans for 2022. The participants discussed the achievements and challenges related to planting, possibilities of aerial seeding in the conditions of DSAS, scientific support to phytoreclamation works, as well as practices of forest reclamation works in DSAS in Uzbekistan.
It was noted at the workshop that by the results of 2021, a tremendous work was done to dropping 230 tons of seeds on 100 thousand hectares of land!
As a result of the workshop, an agreement was reached with international organizations to finance part of the reforestation work. This year it is planned to increase the volume of phytoreclamation works up to 250 thousand hectares.
The seminar was organized by the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cooperation with Republican Forest Breeding and Seed Center with the support of ECO-ARAL project.